Baby Bell Part # B-1 Baby Bell Instruction book. High quality reproduction in color. --$18.00
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BerninaSorry, we no longer special order Bernina manuals.
I have the following manuals in stock. If your Bernina manual is not listed here, I don't sell it.
Manuals are not refundable.
I do not sell manuals "on approval".
All orders for manuals must be mailed with our order form.
Click here to order
Bernina model 1011 New original instruction manual $30.00
Bernina Model 730 Photocopy instruction manual $18.00
Bernina model 715-730-740E Photocopy instruction manual $20.00
Bernina model 740-741-742 Used original instruction manual in good condition. $30.00
Bernina Model 801-802-803 Sport Photocopy instruction manual (blurry print, but usable) $10.00
Bernina Model 807-817 New original instruction manual $30.00
Bernette model 100-200 New original instruction manual $30.00
Bernette model 234 Used original instruction manual in good condition. $25.00
Bernette model 410-420-430-440 New original instruction manual $30.00
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Customer comment: The manual is gorgeous - you can hardly tell it's not original.
Don't be fooled by auctions for photocopies of manuals. Sellers often show a beautiful picture of the original
manual. The buyer is often surprised when they receive a few sheets of poor quality photocopies.
Click here: Sample of a manual I purchased from that auction site.
The TYPE number is the model number and identifies your Elna.
Elna produced several different machines under
the SU, SP, TSP label. This does not describe the model number
and may
result in the wrong manual being shipped. Click here to identify your TYPE number.
Please enter the (TYPE) number of your Elna in the Model # field on the
order form. The TYPE number is
located on a plate near the receptacle.
Click here to order manuals: Order form
Original Elna manuals
We have a few used original Elna manuals available. Original manuals are always more expensive than our new
reproductions and will show use. Please inquire if you want an original Elna manual.
Elna Reproduction manuals:
Pictures are of the actual manuals you are purchasing.
Camera lighting did not reflect the true color on some picures.
White areas on some pictures are light reflections on the gloss covers.
Click on the blue part number links to view pictures of the actual manual offered for sale.
Sample of reproduction cover
Sample of reproduction color pages
Many of the original Elna instruction books are near impossible to find and very expensive when they are available. Our
reproduction manuals are printed with heavy photo quality* covers in color* to create manuals as near as possible to the
Color*- Applies to the cover and pages in manuals that were originally printed in color.
Photo quality*- Applies to the cover on manuals that were originally printed on heavy glossy paper.
Part # E-1 - Elna # 1 model 50 type 500970 High quality reproduction
in color. -------------------------------------$25.00
Picture E-1 inside.
Free with E-1 manual above: Five extra pages you won't find elsewhere, including the guarantee form.
Part # E-2 - Elna Lotus Instruction book # 1 High quality reproduction
in color. ------------------------------------$20.00
Elna Lotus Models 15,17,25,32,34,35,37 (early models dark gray book)
Part # E-3 - Elna Lotus Sewing guide # 2 High quality reproduction
in color. -----------------------------------------$20.00
Elna Lotus Models 15,17,25,32,34,35,37 (early models light gray book)
Save $5.00 Part # E-23 - Order the E-2 instruction book and E-3 sewing guide ------------- $35.00
Part # E-4 - Elna Lotus SP and TSP Instruction book # 1 High quality reproduction in color. --------------------$22.00
Elna Lotus Models 35,36,52 (Late models red book)
Part # E-5 - Elna Lotus SP and TSP Sewing guide # 2 High quality reproduction in color. -------------------------$22.00
Elna Lotus Models 35,36,52 (Late models white book)
Save $5.00 Part # E-45 - Order the E-4 instruction book and E-5 sewing guide --------------- $39.00
Part # E-21-Elna Instruction book. High quality reproduction in color. ------------------------------------------$22.00
Elna Early Star Series models (For elna's with white knobs) 72,74,62,64,41,43,31,33,21,13,11,13 (Gray & white book)
Part # E-6 - Elna SP, ST, SU Instruction book # 1 High quality
reproduction in color. ------------------------------$26.00
Elna (For elna's with gray knobs) Models 62,64,41,43,31,33,21,13,11,13 (Red book)
Part # E-7 - Elna SP, ST, SU Sewing guide # 2 High quality reproduction in color. -----------------------------------$22.00
Elna (For elna's with gray knobs) Models 62,64,41,43,31,33,21,13,11,13 (White book)
Save $5.00 Part # E-67 - Order the E-6 instruction book and E-7 sewing guide ------------------------------- $43.00
Part # E-7274 Elna models TSP 72, 74 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------$22.00
Part # E-8 - Elna 57 TX (Stella) Instruction book and sewing guide. ----------------------------------------------------$30.00
Part # E-9 - Elna 57 TSP (Stella) Instruction book and sewing guide. ---------------------------------------------------$30.00
Part # E-23 - Elna 37 SP (Stella) Instruction book and sewing guide. ---------------------------------------------------$26.00
Part # E-10 - Elna Carina SU Models 65 and 66 Instruction book and sewing guide. --------------------------$40.00
96 pages in color.
Part # E-12 - Elna Air Electronic SU Instruction book # 1. High quality reproduction in color. -------------------$22.00
Models 68 and 69
Part # E-13- Elna Air Electronic SU Sewing guide book # 2. High quality reproduction in color. -----------------$22.00
Models 68 and 69
Save $5.00 Part # E-1213 - Order the E-12 instruction book and E-13 sewing guide -------------------------- $37.00
Part # E-14- Elna Air Electronic 500 Instruction and sewing guide book, models 45 and 46. High quality reproduction in color.--$22.00
# E-15 - Elna Supermatic 722010 series (Green color Elna's )"Supermatic" on front of machine.
Instruction and sewing guide book. High quality reproduction in color.-----------------------------------------------------------$24.00
# E-16 - Elna Supermatic 722010 series (Tan color Elna's )"Supermatic" on front of machine.
Instruction and sewing guide book. High quality reproduction in color.------------------------------------------------------------$24.00
# E-17 - Elna Automatic 722010 series (Gray color Elna's )"Automatic" on front of machine.
Instruction and sewing guide book. High quality reproduction in color.-------------------------------------------------------------SOLD
# E-24 - Elna 6000 computer models. Instruction and sewing guide book. High quality reproduction in color.------$26.00
# E-20 - Elna 8000/9000 computer models. Instruction and sewing guide book. High quality reproduction in color.-$26.00
# E-22 - Elna Lotus 1000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------$15.00
# E-27 - Elna Club computer models.
Instruction and sewing guide book. High quality reproduction in color.----------------------------------------------------------------$26.00
# E-25 - Elna Junior Toy model.
Instruction book. High quality reproduction in color.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------$24.00
# E-26 - Elnapress. Instruction book. High quality reproduction in color.---------------------------------------------------$24.00
Elna Instruction book Photocopies:
Copied on plain paper (not heavy covers).
Part # C-1 - Elna # 1 model 50 type 500970 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------$16.00
Part # C-2E - Elna Lotus (Two books) (early models gray instruction book and sewing guide)--------------------$22.00
Part # C-2L - Elna Lotus (Two books) (late models red instruction book and white sewing guide) ----------------$24.00
Part # C-5 - Elna 45, 46, 48 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------$15.00
Part # C-6 - Elna SP, ST, SU Instruction Book # 1----------------------------------------------------------------------- $18.00
(models 72,74,62,64,41,43,31,33,21,13,11,13)
Part # C-7 - Elna SP, ST, SU Sewing guide Book # 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- $18.00
Late models (1965-1982 with gray knobs)72,74,62,64,41,43,31,33,21,23,11,13
Save $5.00 Part # C-67 - - Order the C-6 instruction book and C-7 sewing guide
Instruction book # 1 and User guide # 2.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------$31.00
Part # C-8 - Elna SP, ST, SU Instruction Book --------------------------------------------------------------------------- $18.00
Early models (1964-1967 with white knobs)72,74,62,64,41,43,31,33,21,13,11,13
Part # C-9 -Elna Carina SU models 65 and 66 Instruction book and sewing guide. ------------------------------$26.00
96 page black & white copy.
Part # C-11 - Elna Air electronic models sp, st, tsp, su, (not Stella) Instruction book # 1.----------------------$19.00
(Models 58-59-68-69)
Part # C-12 - Elna Air electronic models sp, st, tsp, su, (not Stella) User guide # 2.-----------------------------$19.00
(Models 58-59-68-69)
Save $5.00 Part # C-1112 - - Order the C-11 instruction book and C-12 sewing guide
Elna Air electronic models sp, st, tsp, su, Instruction book # 1 and User guide # 2.------------------------------$29.00
Part # C-16 - Elna Supermatic 722010 (Green color Elna's )"Supermatic" on front of machine.--------------$21.00
Part # C-26 - Elna Supermatic 722010 (Tan color Elna's )"Supermatic" on front of machine.-----------------$21.00
Part # C-27 - Elna Automatic 722010 (Gray color Elna's )"Automatic" on front of machine.------------------$19.00
Part # C-19- Elna Air Electronic 500 (model 45 - 46) Instruction and sewing guide book.------------------------------$20.00
Part # C-28 - Elna 6000 computer models. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------$19.00
Part # C-22- Elna 8000/9000 computer models. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------$19.00
Part # C-29 - Elna Club computer models -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------$19.00
Part # C-23 - Elna 57 TX (Stella) Instruction book and sewing guide. -----------------------------------------------$20.00
Part # C-24 Elna 57 TSP (Stella) Instruction book and sewing guide. -----------------------------------------------$20.00
Part # C-25 Elna 37 SP (Stella) Instruction book and sewing guide. -------------------------------------------------$20.00
Elna Service Manuals
What a service manual is not:
1. It is not a substitute for common sense or basic mechanical skills.
2. It is not a substitute for basic sewing machine repair training and skills.
3. It is not a substitute for knowledge on how to to select and use the proper tools.
4. It is not a troubleshooting guide.
5. It will not tell you how to put it back together if you acted before thinking.
6. It is not an invitation for me to provide hours of free instruction for any of the above.
What a service manual is:
1. It is a technical guide to specific service procedures, peculiar to a specific make and model, written for use by a trained service technician. They may refer to "special" tools and gauges available only to
"authorized dealers". Some of these "special tools and gauges" may have a simple workaround, IF you have attended a "hands on" training course and understand basic service procedures.
Read BEFORE you order a service manual.
If you expect the service manual to be twelve inches thick and start page 1 with "This is how you hold a screwdriver.", click the back button. You're already in way over your head. If you took the machine apart before you purchased a service manual and didn't make notes how it goes back together, the manual won't help. These manuals are written for trained professionals and will not teach common sense or repeat every simple basic procedure the mechanic should know BEFORE they open the service manual. The manuals do illustrate the technical procedures peculiar to a specific make and model.
If you need additional detailed personal instructions by e-mail or phone, we provide that service at $50.00 per hour.
It can sometimes take several hours to tear down one of our machines, take pictures and write detailed procedures
for what could be a normal 10 minute job performed by a trained professional. If you don't have basic mechanical skills and are unfamiliar with service manuals, it is usually much less expensive to send the machine to a trained professional and have it serviced BEFORE you create a very expensive repair.
Q: Is the service manual a photocopy?
A: Yes. Most manufacturers quit selling high dollar service manuals, in color, with glossy covers in the 1960's and now even the original manufacturers service manuals are photocopies. Trained service technicians are happy to pay for low cost information to service the machine and are not interested in paying extra for high dollar paper.
Q: The manual doesn't tell me what size or type of wrench to use. How do I know?
A: The author of the manual assumed you have a basic set of tools and know how to select the proper tool.
Q: Will the manual tell me how to repair my machine?
A: Yes. But, the authors of service manuals assume the service technician has already attended a "hands on"
training class and has acquired the basic sewing machine service skills. A service manual will not take you by the hand and lead you step by step to explain how to repair every possible malfunction in detail. If they did, you couldn't lift the book.
Q: Why are service manuals so expensive?
A: The printer plans to recover their costs from low volume sales. Service technicians are very happy to pay for the valuable information contained in the manual and realize the cost to produce the manual is always much more than the cost of the paper and ink.
Q: Can I repair my machine, then return the service manual for a refund?
A: No.
Elna Service Manuals:
These are not the poor quality manuals with missing print and missing page numbers normally sold on ebay.
Elna produced several different machines under
the SU, SP, TSP label. This does not describe the model number and may
result in the wrong manual being shipped.
Please enter the (TYPE) number of your Elna in the Model # field on the
order form. Click here: Order form
The TYPE number is located on a plate near the receptacle.
Part # SM-1 - Elna Supermatic - Transforma-automatic - zig zag
(722010) models:
This book has 55 high quality pages, includes
the complete service manual----------------Printed copy- $24.00
Part # SM-1CD - Elna Supermatic - Transforma-automatic - zig zag, electronic section, conversion section.
all 55 pages --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CD copy-$12.00
Part # SM-2 - Elna Supermatic - Transforma-automatic - zig zag (722010) models - 26
pages --------------------
-Manual typically sold by others------------------------------------------------------------------------Printed copy-$14.00
Part # SM-3 - Elna 1000-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Printed copy-$15.00
Part # SM-4 - Elna (Star Series) 72,74,62,64,41,43,31,33,21,13,11,13------------------------Printed copy- $18.00
Part # SM-4CD - Elna (Star Series) 72,74,62,64,41,43,31,33,21,13,11,13--------------------------CD copy- $9.00
Part # SM-5 - Elna 38, 39, 45, 46, 55, 56, 58, 59, 65, 66, 68, 69 Air electronic
series. Additional pages you won't find anywhere else are included with this manual.-------------------------------------------------------------------------Printed copy-$20.00
Part # SM-6 - Elna Stella type 57-----------------------------------------------------------------------Printed copy-$15.00
Part # SM-7 - Elnita type 17------------------------------------------------------------------------------Printed copy-$15.00
Part # SM-8 - Elna L1, L2, L4, L5, L4D, L5D ------------------------------------------------------Printed copy-$15.00
Part # SM-9 - Elna Lotus type 15, 25, 35 -------------------------------------------------------------Printed copy-$12.00
Part # SM-10 - Elna 100 Series --------------------------------------------------------------------------Printed copy-$15.00
Part # SM-11 - Elna 5000 computer---------------------------------------------------------------------Printed copy-$20.00
Elna Parts Manuals:
A parts manual may help to repair machines that have been disassembled or to determine where a loose part fits.
Elna produced several different machines under the SU, SP, TSP label. This does not describe the model number and may result in the wrong manual being shipped.
Please enter the (TYPE) number of your Elna in the Model # field on the order form. Click here: Order form
The TYPE number is located on a plate near the receptacle.
If the manual is listed, I have it in stock.
If the manual is not listed, I do not have it in stock.
Part # PM-1CD - Elna Supermatic (722010) models. CD disc --------------------------------------------------------$10.00
Part # PM-2 - Elna (Star Series) 72,74,62,64,41,43,31,33,21,13,11,13----------------------------------------------- $8.00
Part # PM-3 - Elna models 38, 39, 58, 59, 68 and 69----------------------------------------------------------------------$10.00
Part # PM-4 - Elna Lotus type 15, 25, 35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------$8.00
Part # PM-5 - Elna Stella type 17, 57 (ZZ-SP-TSP-TX)-------------------------------------------------------------------$8.00
Part # PM-6 -Elna #1 60 page printed copy---------------------------------------------------------------------------------$22.00
Part # PM-6CD -Elna #1 on CD disc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------$9.00
Part # PM-7 - Elna models 5000, 6000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------$9.00
Part # PM-8 - Elna models 8000, 9000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------$9.00
Part # PM-9 - Elna models 45, 46, 55, 56, 65, 66 --------------------------------------------------------------------------$10.00
to top of page
Industrial machines
Part # Consew -1
Consew 206 RB instruction book and service manual --------------------------------------------$18.00
Part # Juki-1 Juki Lu562 and 563 Instruction book and service manual----$18.00 Also applies to Singer 111W series and many other industrial walking foot machines.
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JC Pennys Swing N Sew
Part # JCP1
JC Pennys Swing N sew---------------------------------------------------------------$24.00
Part # Juki-1 Juki Lu562 and 563 Instruction book and service manual----$18.00 Also applies to Singer 111W series and many other industrial walking foot machines.
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Pfaff Instruction Booklets
Not available
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Singer Instruction Booklets
Part # SM-5 - Copy of the 1952 Singer Featherweight 221 Instruction book.
book. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------$18.00
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Viking Instruction Booklets
Not available
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White Instruction Booklets
Not available
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Page updated 05/28/24